Exercising isn’t just for six pack abs and rock hard thighs. You can do face exercises in addition to using face lift products in order to reduce facial wrinkles.

Assuming that you don’t live your entire life with a blank expression on your face, you are likely to end up with either laugh lines or frown lines, often depending on what facial expression was used the most – a smile or a frown. These lines and wrinkles are going to appear around the mouth, nose and eyes in a similar shape to the expression. There really is no escape, but there are face exercises that can help reduce your facial wrinkles naturally.

Face Exercise #1: Forehead exercise. If you are a person who frowns daily or if you have a habit of raising your eyebrows often, you will eventually develop forehead wrinkles. The best facial exercise for the forehead is to place your index finger and thumb in the brow area and then slide/push your fingers down while simultaneously fighting it by raising the eyebrows. Repeat at least 10 times. This face exercise should pull your forehead skin up and down at the same time and help remove the wrinkles. Face Exercise #2: Crow's feet and eye wrinkles. This face exercise involves your eyebrows and eye lids. With your eyes closed firmly, raise your eyebrows. Hold the position for 3 seconds and then rest. Repeat at least 10 times. Face Exercise #3: Mouth area. Pucker your lips out as far as they will go, stretching the surrounding area, and then pull back by smiling as wide as possible. Repeat at least 10 times. Face Exercise #4: Chin and Neck area: Lift your head high by elongating your neck like a giraffe would. Place your index finger and thumb on your neck and gently resist the force by pulling the skin around the neck area down. Repeat at least 10 times. Another exercise for your chin involves gently tapping the area under your chin. Use the back of your hand with palm facing downward and gently tap the area. Repeat 10 times. Face exercises involve pulling, stretching and creating variations to your usual facial expressions. Since facial muscles have little or limited range of motion throughout the day, you will need to set aside time to work the muscles. In addition to helping reduce facial wrinkles, facial exercises can be relaxing and help alleviate stress, so give it a try. Want to learn more about facial exercise? Get a copy of the book; [easyazon-link asin="1402753721"]Five-Minute Face-lift: A Daily Program for a Beautiful, Wrinkle-Free Face[/easyazon-link] [easyazon-image asin="1402753721" alt="Five-Minute Face-lift: A Daily Program for a Beautiful, Wrinkle-Free Face" src="https://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41eb699bO-L._SL160_.jpg" align="left" width="134" height="160"]